Meandering river brings nutrient-rich soil in a wide area, which results in a better harvest


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TitleMeandering river brings nutrient-rich soil in a wide area, which results in a better harvest
Disaster GroupHydrological
CategoryNature based
Sub CategoryKnowledge-skill
Knowledge AttributionMeandering rivers often carry nutrient-rich sediment, which can be deposited on the floodplain as the river meanders and changes course over time. This can create fertile soil that is ideal for agriculture and can support higher crop yields. In addition to providing nutrients, meandering rivers can also help to regulate water flow and prevent flooding in the surrounding area.
DescriptionThe natural curves and bends in the river slow down the flow of water and allow it to spread out over a wider area. This can help to reduce the risk of flash floods and can provide a steady supply of water for crops during dry periods. Rabi crops yield increased along the Koshi floodplain due to new soil deposited by flood. The fertility of the soil has increased after the flood every year.